指挥 Our Conductor

古雅瑜 (Yayu Khoe ) 

花腔女高音,聲樂教授,合唱指揮, 從事藝術工作長達四十年,现为「美中文化艺术交流协会」会长,并兼任[西雅圖華夏之声合唱團]与「亞省華人合唱團」藝術指導和指揮。为美国全美聲樂教师协会和美国合唱指挥协会会员。曾出版多张唱片专集,先后在纽约州,德州,爱荷华州, 亚利桑那州创办多个艺术团体,合唱团。



A coloratura soprano, also the artistic director conductor of the Arizona Chinese Chorus. She is the president of American Chinese Arts & Culture Exchange Association. Khoe has concertized in major music halls in the US, Europe and China; lectured at Universities in Beijing, Sichuan and Shenyang; and recorded three CDs.

Khoe received her M.A. from Texas Woman University and was many times a first prize vocal competition winner. She was honored with the title Dame of Lily of France and professorship from John Dewey University. She has founded and conducted many choirs across the US in the last 40 years.