
Welcome to visit Seattle Chinese Chorus



西雅图华夏之声合唱团 (简称”华夏”) 成立于2010年春,系华盛顿州注册的501(c)(3)非营利 性组织,现有团员60余名。 华夏的宗旨在于追求合唱艺术的崇高境界,在多元文化的氛围中, 搭起东西方文化桥梁,传播和学习中西方流行与经典名曲, 娱己娱人,丰富精神生活。 团内多数成员受到过不同程度的声乐及视唱训练,大家通过排练、 演出、和竞技等多种形式, 共同体验和享受现代合唱艺术的精彩乐章。

华夏于每周日晚进行集体排练、不定期举办大师班、 内部交流音乐会、并于每年举办一次大型对外公演, 同时也积极参与社区活动,先后参加过西雅图亚洲节、 中国城敬老活动、波音新年纪念会、受香港青少年交响乐团相邀在B ENAROYA HALL演出、纪念抗战70周年黄河大合唱等活动。 作为华州唯一参赛团体,华夏参加了在美国辛辛那提举办、有65个 国家参与的第七届世界合唱比赛World Choir Games,并荣获银奖。

海外游子常年漂泊、辛苦打拼。华夏,是我们放松心情, 回味传统文化的休闲港湾;是我们重拾青春记忆、 抒发对故土眷恋之情的温馨家园; 是我们追求现代歌唱艺术的良好课堂,更是一片聚浓郁亲情友爱、 互助理解于一体的净地沃土,这片土壤在华夏人精心耕耘下, 开出的艺术之花将耀眼夺目绚烂向上。


联系邮箱 (Contact): seattlechinesechorus@gmail.com 

排练时间 (Practice Time): 每周日晚7点至九点 (Each Sunday from 7 to 9 PM).

排练地点 (Practice location):

Mercer Island Presbyterian Church,3605 84th Ave., SE Mercer Island, WA 98040


The Seattle Chinese Chorus “SCC” was formed in the spring of 2010, and registered in the State of Washington as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and now has more than 60 members. Our mission is to achieve a high level of artistic singing in a multicultural atmosphere, and for self-enjoyment and entertainment of others. In July 2012, SCC was the only choir from Washington State to go to Cincinnati for the 7th World Choir Games, in which teams from 65 countries participated. We brought home a silver award.

SCC practices weekly on Sunday evenings, and also periodically holds master classes, internal recitals, in addition to our Annual Concerts. We are actively involved in civic and cultural activities in the community, like Celebrate Asia, the Boeing Centennial Celebration, and Senior Recognition in Chinatown. We have performed at Benaroya Hall in conjunction with the Seattle Youth Orchestra, and have presented the Yellow River Cantata on the year of the music’s 70th anniversary. Our members have received preparations in vocal training and sight reading. Through rehearsals and recitals, our choir members experience the exhilaration of choir singing.

Our members are from all walks of life. We work hard.  The chorus is our haven for relaxation, a harbor where we can muse over our Chinese traditional culture. It is a garden where we can be reminiscent of our youthful days, and express love for our mother country. It is a classroom for us to pursue the art of singing. Moreover it is the fertile soil for the growth of friendship, understanding, and care for one another. Together we are cultivating, as we wait for the burgeoning of the dazzling blossoms of art.  We sincerely welcome new members to join our SCC family.

Email address : seattlechinesechorus@gmail.com

Website: www.seattlechinesechorus.org