2011年的演出 – 悠悠故园情

混声大合唱:念故乡 (Mixed Chorus: Longing for Home)
混声大合唱:牧歌 (Mixed Chorus: Pastoral Song)
混声大合唱:去一个美丽的地方 (Mixed Chorus: Going to a Beautiful Spot)
男声合唱:请到天涯海角来, 请到天涯海角来2 (Male Ensemble: Welcome to Hai-Nan Island)
混声大合唱:祖国慈祥的母亲, 雨后彩虹 (Mixed Chorus: The Motherly Homeland; The Rainbow)
混声大合唱:Turn the World Around (Mixed Chorus)
女声表演唱:漫步街头, 漫步街头2 (Four Sopranos: Quando men vo - from Giacomo Puciini's "La Boheme")
小合唱:夜来香 (Mixed Ensemble: Fragrance of the Night)
男女声二重唱:芦花 (Soprano Tenor Duet: Reed Catkins)
民歌联唱:龙船调,大西北的鼓声,渔娘 (Folk Songs: Dragon Boat Song, Drum Beats of the Northwest, Fishing Lady on the Yellow River)
民歌: 好汉歌 (Folk Song: True Men)
女声合唱:秋蝉,桃花红杏花白 (Female Ensemble: Autumn Cicada, Red Peach Blossom, White Apricot Flower)
女中音合唱:山楂树 (Alto Female Ensemble: The Hawthorn Tree)
女声独唱:玛依拉变奏曲 (Soprano Solo: Ma-Yi-La Variations)
男声独唱:在那遥远的地方 (Tenor Solo: In the Far Away Place)
混声大合唱:博爱颂 (Mixed Chorus: Love for Humanity)
混声大合唱:今夜无眠 (Mixed Chorus: Toast for Tonight)
Sep 28, 2011 首场演出
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